Leader of the Isle of Wight council, Phl Jordan, shares this latest news, in his own words. Ed
The Leader of the Isle of Wight council has written to the Minister for local government Jim MacMahon, once again setting out the case for the correct funding that he believes the Island should have.
Each year, in December, the Government advises the council of its financial settlement of funding for the following year. Last year, Government advised of an additional uplift in money by £4m that would be given to the Isle of Wight council in view of its financial predicament.
Higher costs of delivering services on the Island
The Leader and the council had, however, provided evidenced information that there was an elevated cost of delivering services on the Island and the Minster at the time, agreed with the position when meeting with Leader on a visit to the Island.
The Leader believes the council have demonstrated that the shortfall in funding lies anywhere between £10m and £24m, but is yet to receive anything above the £4m granted.
Extensive evidence provided to Government
Government is currently carrying out consultations on the Fairer Funding Review and the Isle of Wight is providing an extensive document, once again, submitting the evidence that the funding formula and award for the Island is incorrect, has been for many years and requires adjustment.
This document is to be published very shortly.
Jordan: Savings on top of savings cannot go on
Speaking over the weekend, Phil Jordan, the Leader of the Isle of Wight council said,
“I wrote to the Minister in October 2024 about the need to be adequately funded. Our call went unheeded and following the usual settlement notice we received in December 2024; I am writing again repeating the information and call for adequate funding from Government for our Island. We are not being unreasonable. We are not over egging our demand for funding.
“£10m additional funding is the minimum we need and even then, just as a temporary measure until the Fair Funding review is finalised.
“The real amount needed is approaching £24m and the amount we will likely be seeking under the Fair Funding Review.
“Once again this year, we are being forced to make savings of around £3m – just as we have done every year since 2021 – savings on top of savings on top of savings. It cannot go on. Other authorities have reached breaking point, some even broken, and we have little means to balance the budget without this additional funding.
“I will continue to fight for the Island, continue to make our case, continue to travel up and back from Westminster until the money we must have, is granted. Nothing less will do.”