A plan to build 14 houses on the edge of an Isle of Wight village has been turned down by County Hall planners.
The council refused applicants Downer and Long’s outline application for 14 residential units at a site off Pallance Road in Northwood, with eight reasons listed in an officer report.
Three building types
The proposal consists of three building types: four two bed semi-detached houses, eight three bed detached houses and two three bed semi-detached houses.
Also included is vehicular access next to the current road entrance to Comforts Farm and a driveway within the site which would be behind a row of trees facing Pallance Road.
A pedestrian entry point would link the east of the site with a bus stop on a route heading into Cowes.
Proposed site surplus to agricultural need
A Design and Access Statement prepared by the Island-based town planning consultancy, Phil Salmon Planning, said
“The proposed site has become surplus to agricultural need.
“Given the position of the site close to Pallance Road, and its location in relation to the defined settlement boundary of Cowes, the landowners wish to bring the site forward for housing development, based on principles of effective and contextual design, safe access, highways and public transport gain and environmental enhancement.
“This is the type of site that should be promoted for the Isle of Wight to meet its housing needs targets, both current and future.”
IWC: Reasons for refusal
The council report justifying the refusal said,
“The proposal would fail to comply with local and national planning policy in terms of locating new housing where the need to travel, particularly by car, is reduced, would make inadequate provision for safe pedestrian access to the development, as well as pedestrian connectivity from the site to the existing settlement, including existing shops, services and other community facilities.
“The application is deficient in information in respect of an outline drainage strategy and outline drainage plans so the local planning authority cannot fully assess the feasibility of the drainage proposals, the impact of the development on flood risk and surface water management.
“The proposal would increase the potential for conflict between pedestrians and motorists to the detriment of highway safety.
“The application is deficient in assessment of the importance of the roadside hedgerow using the criteria for important hedgerows set out in the Hedgerow Regulations 1997.
“The proposal would fail to make efficient use of land to provide a balanced mix of housing to meet local housing needs, including affordable housing need.”
Serious adverse effects
County Hall added the ‘visually intrusive’ development would have an ‘adverse effect’ on the ‘integrity’ of the Solent Special Protection Area and ‘serious adverse impact’ on the surrounding area’s ‘character and context’.
Submitted plans were also deemed to be ‘inconsistent’ in relation to the application site area.
This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed