The Isle of Wight Labour Party say the Council’s decision to step away from the Walking Festival shows how drastic Government cuts now are. They urge a rethink in order to save this tourism-boosting festival of enviable reputation.
Around ten per cent of the Isle of Wight's population signed a petition calling on the Government to deliver fairer funding for the Island. From aged five to 100, early 5,000 people have shared their stories of how the cuts will affect them.
Although full council have voted against the motion, over 70 per cent of those responding to the public consultation voted in favour of moving power and funding to a combined authority. Tonight's Executive Committee will make their decision on the motion to explore the deal further.
Labour councillor, Geoff Lumley, is calling on the Isle of Wight council Executive to "stand up to" Spectrum Housing and "stop being pushed around" in the land sale in Newport.
The Island Independent councillors say that the new measures mean they can hopefully avoid more of the damaging cuts in front line services that have been forced upon them in recent years.
Compared with ‘comparative’ authorities on the mainland, the impact of funding reductions and strict spending controls are felt to a greater extent by the Isle of Wight's community say the council.
The Isle of Wight council Executive have agreed to transfer the building to Spectrum Housing who plan to build 12 affordable flats and a new public library.
Forced by Government cuts to funding, the Isle of Wight council is now having to look towards the Isle of Wight mobile library service to save £23,500 annually.
Roughly half of schools that were approached to help to save their local service have agreed to take over the funding, but there are still others that will be without school crossing patrols come September unless alternative funding is found.
The Isle of Wight council admit that whilst they've been very effective in making savings in response to cuts from Government funding, they've not focused enough on increasing their income. A proposal to address this, with the creation of new Regeneration posts has just been published.