·2 min read
Head of the Isle of Wight Youth Trust says many young people feel like they don’t belong, that the community doesn’t think much of them.
·1 min read
The Isle of Wight is on course to lose its County status with more public services delivered by private companies or run by a mainland council, Labour prospective parliamentary candidate Stewart Blackmore has warned.
·2 min read
The future looks very bleak in local government over the coming years as funding to the council for core services is reduced by up to a whopping £16m over two years.
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Members voted 22-13 last night to approve the Conservative administration's budget for 2018/19 which sees a council tax rise of 5.99% and £7.5m of cuts to services.
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Surrey County Council announced yesterday they had formally reached an agreement for Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service to use their control centre from March
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The man who used to pull in £180+k/year while he was setting up the Isle of Wight roads PFI is back being paid by IWC and as well as being paid £95,000 for six months' work to fix the contract, his £750 per month rent is covered by IWC.
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Who will be picking up the bill for the public toilet cleaning contracts which have unexpectedly increased, in some cases, by 50%?
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Show of hands in favour of precept rise, but 100 out of 30,000 not representative
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Congratulations to the local residents who have worked for a year to ensure that they can continue to use their local pool
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Island MP agrees with Culture Minister that volunteers should not replace librarians, but supplement them