The Isle of Wight Campaign for Protection of Rural England (CPRE) has welcomed the government's recognition of the Island's unique housing market and its decision to make central government housing targets non-mandatory for the Island
Luxury Retirement Living has submitted plans for a second phase of a retirement park near Newport on the Isle of Wight, featuring 16 additional park homes for people aged 45 and over
The developer says the planning process for Norris Castle has been seven years of frustrations, but requires all stakeholders to decide the future of this nationally important asset
The Grade II* listed building, which was built in 1824 and was formerly a girls' finishing school and children's activity centre, needs exterior restoration and the addition of eco-lodges to become commercially viable, say the applicants
The local medical centre says they are duty bound to object to the application, as the additional housing "could detrimentally impact sustainability and safety"