Isle of Wight DidgHeadRadio Festival

Coming up later in the year will be a unique music festival showcasing for the very best of contemporary didgeridoo playing from the UK and abroad.

Isle of Wight DidgHeadRadio FestivalHaving had a crack at one of these fascinating instruments ourselves, we take our hats off to anyone who has mastered the art of didgeridoo-ing.

If you have never heard the didge played by a virtuoso solo artists or in a group setting you will be amazed by the musical range of this simple yet complex instrument.

The festival is a collaboration between Calbourne Water Mill and DidgHeadRadio a web-streamed radio station which specialises in broadcasting music featuring the didgeridoo.

There are both week-end camping and day tickets available by post from DHRFestivals, on-line from WeGotTickets, and directly from The Watermill.

So if you are interested to hear one of the world’s most ancient instruments and many others beside please pay the festival a visit.

For more information and to buy tickets online check out the official Web site

Also, if you want to check out any of the artists playing at the festival give the DidgHead radio station a listen.

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