Sandbags in a shed

Isle of Wight flood alert issued ahead of high water and Severe Gale Force 9 winds

The Environment Agency have issued a flood alert for the Isle of Wight coast for Friday 18th February 2022.

The warning reads:

“Friday afternoon’s tide at 12:06 on 18/02/2022 is higher than normal due to Storm Eunice which brings Severe Gale Force 9 South Westerly winds and large waves.

“The weather increases tide table values by 0.8 m. The total forecast tide is 5.06 metres Chart Datum (2.47 mAOD) at Cowes. Forecast levels are high, and water will come close to property.

“For 1 hour either side of high water, sea front roads, esplanades and car parks will flood.

“In Cowes, water will impact the High Street, Medina Road (floating bridge) and Sea Street (Newport).

“In East Cowes, sea water forced up through drains will impact roads at Albany Road, York Avenue and Castle Street.

“The ferry terminal at Yarmouth will flood.

“Tide levels remain a little elevated on Saturday 19/02/22 at 12:30, although any impacts are likely to be minor.

“If you have it, please install flood protection at Medina Road (Cowes) Well Road (East Cowes) and Bridge Road (Yarmouth), 1 hour before high tide.

“We may issue further advice tomorrow. We continue to monitor the forecast.”

See the Isle of Wight Council Website for information about flooding and where to collect sandbags from.