Isle Of Wight Forced To Change Name

News reaches us this morning that the Isle of Wight County in Virginia, America have been granted a worldwide trade mark against the phrase Isle of Wight, as part of their tourism push. The upshot of this is our Isle of Wight will need to change its name.

Isle of Wight County

Not surprisingly Islanders who have already heard about this have taken great exception, Richard Cattle said “Who do these people think they are, they nicked the name from us in the first place!”

Joe Duckworth, CEO of the Island’s council has issued a statement, “This is totally unexpected. We have already been in contact with our legal advisors and it initially appears that we will indeed need to alter the Islands name, ” he continued, “Given we’ve been forced into a legal corner, we are going to ask Islanders for suggestions.”

We don’t quite know what to make of this one. It’s a shot out of the blue that needs a bit of consideration over toast and tea.

We know Joe is a regular reader of the Blog (or so he says), so any suggestions will be passed on to him.

PS. As much as some people might like to think this article is true, you’ll see it was published before noon on 1st April 2007 by author, April F. Ool. Hence it is NOT true.

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