Pair of safety glasses sitting on blueprints for building
Image: Keoni under CC BY 2.0

Isle of Wight planning application list and map: 17 Mar 2025

Each week Isle of Wight council planning department issues a weekly list of the planning applications that are open to the public for review, consideration, and if necessary, comment.

OnTheWight now takes those and presents them to Islanders in a way we hope is the most helpful.

Layout / features / functions
On the table below, you can re-order each of the columns just by clicking on the header. In the top right of the table there’s a search feature.

Copy the application number and search the council’s planning register to see the application

Application NoParish(es)Ward(s)LocationProposal
25/00291/RVCArretonCentral RuralGreenacres Hale Common Arreton Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 3AP
Removal of agricultural occupancy condition no.7 on TCP/11471A
25/00359/HOUBembridgeBembridgeCorkbeg House Swains Road Bembridge
Isle Of Wight PO35 5XR
Proposed two storey and single storey extension on rear elevation, proposed garage conversion, demolition of front elevation porch; proposed portico; alterations to include additional windows to southwest and northeast elevation; new door with porch canopy to southwest elevation; rear terrace area
25/00323/FULBradingBrading And St HelensNew Farm West Lane Brading Sandown Isle Of Wight PO36 0JGAlterations and change of use of granary barn to form office; alterations, extension and change of use of garage to form toilets; alterations, extensions and change of use of listed and long barn to form event hall; alterations and change of use of dutch barn to form restaurant; associated car park and landscaping
25/00324/LBCBradingBrading And St HelensNew Farm West Lane Brading Sandown Isle Of Wight PO36 0JGListed Building Consent for alterations, extension and change of use of garage to form toilets; alterations, extensions and change of use of listed and long barn to form event hall
25/00337/RVCBrighstone ShorwellBrighstone Calbourne And Shalfleet
Chale Niton And Shorwell
Atherfield Bay Holiday Camp Military Road
Brighstone Newport
Isle Of Wight PO38 2JH
Variation of conditions 2, 3, 8, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 28 on 21/01129/RVC to allow proposed changes to layout and retention of clubhouse and maintenance store as built
25/00243/RESCowesCowes NorthLand Rear Of 37 And 39 Albert Street
Isle Of Wight
Approval of reserved matters on 24/00469/OUT
25/00341/FULEast CowesOsborne198 & 200 York Avenue East Cowes
Isle Of Wight PO32 6BH
Continued use of building as offices and storage under Use Class E (Offices)
25/00295/FULFreshwaterFreshwater SouthAfton Stables Newport Road Freshwater Isle Of WightChange of use and alterations to stable building to provide additional accommodation to the existing dwelling, including new gable, changes to roof windows, new dormer windows, and solar panels
25/00346/FULFreshwaterTotland And ColwellSunset Beach Madeira Lane Freshwater Ventnor
Isle Of Wight PO40 9SP
Demolition of conservatory, garage and lobby; proposed two storey side extension; proposed single storey rear extension; proposed dormer window on side elevation and
alterations to include cladding
25/00348/HOUFreshwaterFreshwater North And
11 Linstone Drive Yarmouth
Isle Of Wight PO41 0RL
Proposed single storey side extension and new render finish to existing extension; single storey extension to enlarge garage
25/00155/FULGodshillCentral RuralYard Parlour Farm Newport Road Godshill
Isle Of Wight PO38 3LY
Retention of 2 self contained holiday units (amended address)(readvertised application)
25/00374/CLEUDGodshillCentral RuralElm Yard Roud Road Godshill Ventnor
Isle Of Wight PO38 3LH
Lawful Development Certificate for continued use of approved holiday accommodation as permanent residential dwelling
25/00210/HOUNettlestone And SeaviewNettlestone And SeaviewDream Springvale Road Seaview
Isle Of Wight PO34 5AN
Proposed external fire escape on side (west) elevation
25/00340/FULNettlestone And SeaviewNettlestone And SeaviewLand Adjacent To Robin Hill Seaview Lane
Isle Of Wight PO34
Proposed siting of twin unit mobile home to be used as a residential dwelling
25/00350/FULNettlestone And SeaviewNettlestone And SeaviewAlton House High Street Seaview
Isle Of Wight PO34 5EU
Proposed demolition of external staircase and part wooden balcony, alterations and extension to the front elevation of former staff accommodation and boat house to provide self contained ancillary accommodation
25/00351/LBCNettlestone And SeaviewNettlestone And SeaviewAlton House High Street Seaview
Isle Of Wight PO34 5EU
Listed Building Consent for demolition of external staircase and part wooden balcony, alterations and extension to the front elevation of former staff accommodation and boat house to provide self contained ancillary accommodation
25/00352/HOUNewport & Carisbrooke Community CouncilCarisbrooke And Gunville2 Bowcombe Cottages Bowcombe Road Carisbrooke
Isle Of Wight PO30 3HZ
Proposed single storey rear extension
25/00370/HOUNewport & Carisbrooke
Community Council
Carisbrooke And GunvilleWhitecroft Farm Sandy Lane Newport
Isle Of Wight PO30 3EA
Demolition of stables and garage buildings; Proposed replacement stables and garage building
25/00353/HOUNorthwoodCowes South And Northwood10 Coronation Avenue Northwood
Isle Of Wight PO31 8PN
Proposed single storey rear extension
25/00314/LBCSandownSandown NorthThe Old Rectory Yaverland Road Sandown
Isle Of Wight PO36 8QW
Listed Building Consent for proposed replacement windows
25/00239/FULShalfleetFreshwater North And YarmouthHighwood Cranmore Avenue Shalfleet Yarmouth
Isle Of Wight PO41 0XS
Proposed outbuilding to form self-contained annexe
25/00318/FULTotlandTotland And ColwellHurstleigh The Broadway Totland Bay Isle Of Wight PO39 0BUAlterations to include rear extension and conversion of two flats into four flats
25/00336/HOUTotlandTotland And ColwellBay Tree Cottage Church Hill Totland
Totland Bay Isle Of Wight PO39 0ET
Demolition of store; Proposed garage/workshop
25/00196/FULVentnorVentnor And St LawrenceBluebell House Residential Care 74 - 76 Mitchell Avenue
Isle Of Wight PO38 1DS
Proposed change of use from residential care home (C2) to form 3 dwellinghouses (C3)
25/00349/LBCVentnorWroxall Lowtherville And Bonchurch6 St Boniface Terrace St Boniface Road Ventnor
Isle Of Wight PO38 1PJ
Listed Building Consent for removal of existing upvc windows and replacement with new timber windows
25/00299/HOUWootton BridgeWootton3 Glendale Close Wootton
Isle Of Wight PO33 4RF
Proposed extension at first floor level with balcony on west elevation
25/00325/LBCYarmouthFreshwater North And YarmouthThe Cottage
St James Street Yarmouth
Isle Of Wight PO41 0NU
Listed Building Consent for replacement of first floor windows on front and rear elevations

Clicking on the pins will show you the location of the application and its IWC planning reference number, so you can match the two up.

(Zoom in and out to see details. Clicking on the pins will tell you the address and the reference number if you want to look up the detail)