Isle of Wight Ready for Y2K

Another piece of whimsy from our latest VB contributor, Vic Nick. Ed

Isle of Wight Ready for Y2KResidents can sleep easier now that plans to prepare the Isle for any eventualities and problems due to Y2K have been completed.

Project leader and spokesman Ed Bingely beamed as he made the announcement in Newport this week.

“We knew we had to get it right the first time so we made sure we did it right.”

Ensuring tea and biscuit service continues
“I confess it took longer than expected but that’s the nature of IT projects plus the project got much bigger as well. We ended up adding a disaster recovery plan for the whole island that provides emergency generator depots at all major centres and has the capability to serve complementary tea and biscuits as well.”

“We are especially proud of our team of dedicated men and women who stuck with this project over the last dozen years or so to make it such a success. Some even have had sons and daughters join us.”

Bingeley admits that the project encountered many setbacks along the way with perhaps the biggest being missing the deadline to complete the project in advance of the Y2K deadline.

Festivals got in the way
“That one took a long time to get over that’s for sure but we found a way to manage and forge ahead, that’s just the kind of team we have.”

“Things do take a little longer here as you know there being so many distractions with the festivals that take place in the summers and the celebrities they attract.”

We hope you enjoyed Vic’s piece of whimsy, meant to be taken with a pinch of salt

Image: smemon87 under CC BY 2.0