Isle of Wight Society for the Blind: Not RNIB

If you are one of those generous people who despite their humble means, always finds some money to pop in the charity box, you might be interested to read this letter recently sent to the editor of the County Press.

Dear Sir,
I recently had a telephone call from the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) asking if I would have a home collection box to raise funds. I declined politely, but a few days later one arrived addressed to my husband. When asked, he replied that he had received a similar call and as he knows that I am associated with the Blind Society he agreed.

May I therefore raise this issue through your newspaper, as the RNIB does not operate on the Isle of Wight. All services for the Island`s Visually Impaired are carried out through the Isle of Wight Society for the Blind, and the only connection with the RNIB is that we lease a machine from them which enables us to record and duplicate tapes to distribute a Talking Newspaper to the Visually Impaired – including a great deal of local material from your own editions.

Whilst I would not wish to decry the RNIB`s fund raising, please readers be aware that if you donate to the Isle of Wight Society for the Blind, the money stays on the Island; whereas no funds raised on the Island by the RNIB assists Island residents.

Yours sincerely, Brenda Lawson, Vice-Chair to the Trustees

Those of you who do contribute to charities, it’s worth noting what Brenda says in her letter if you wish your donations to help towards charities specifically operating on the Island.

We hope to publish a piece about the work of the Isle of Wight Society for the Blind in the near future.