soup kitchen bags

Isle of Wight Soup Kitchen: Surprise Christmas packages for those in need

Trevor Blaney from the Isle of Wight Pop-up Soup Kitchen has been in touch with a new initiative he hopes to run this Christmas.

He’s calling on Islanders to let him know of neighbours who might be in need this Christmas and he’ll deliver a bag of essentials.

Trevor said,

“The Season is almost upon us and you’ll agree a difficult time for some.

“As many of you know, our supermarkets and their staff all generously look after the Soup Kitchen and make sure we always have an abundance of good quality food.

“As it’s Christmas I want to introduce something new. If you have a neighbour on the Isle of Wight who you know is struggling in these difficult times, I want you to contact me with

  • Your phone number
  • The person’s circumstances
  • Their address and postcode (do not include their name)
  • How many are living at that address”

A bag of essentials
Trevor says he will then pack a bag with some essentials and deliver it.

He says,

“I can’t promise to fulfil every request, but I will consider every one and prioritise accordingly.”

He finishes by saying,

“The Soup Kitchen’s first priority will remain as ever, taking food and provisions to our Island’s homeless and to those who because of Alcohol, Substance dependency or Mental Health Issues are sleeping rough.”

You can either email Trevor at [email protected] or message him on the Pop-up Soup Kitchen Facebook Page.