Blythe doll in hat:

What will you be wearing on the first Isle of Wight Wear a Hat Day

Launched back in May, it’s highly possible you may have already heard about plans for the very first Isle of Wight Wear a Hat Day.

If you haven’t, the fundraising event takes place on across the Island on Friday 18th July with the aim of raising much needed funds for Isle of Wight Cancer patients.

The campaign is being managed by the Wessex Cancer Trust, a charity that supports Cancer patients on the Island.

What’s on
So far there are several events planned, including:

  • Caterpillar Music: Holding Hat events at all of their classes during the week Mon 14th – Fri 18th July.
  • Mrs Jones Tea Depot: Supporting Wear a Hat Day on Friday 18th July with Patsy Cabaret singing.
  • A Wessex Cancer Trust table at the entrance to St Mary’s Hospital on Wednesday 16th July, with volunteers wearing hats.
  • Mad Hatters Tea Party: At the Wessex Cancer Trust support centre in Lugley Street on Friday 18th July.

Several schools have also signed up and one will be incorporating the day into their sports day, with a special Hat Race taking place.

Register now
If you’ve like to take part in the event there’s still time to request a registration pack by calling (01983) 524186 or by email [email protected] (forms must be returned by Friday 11th July).

You can find out more and stay updated by visiting their Facebook Page

Image: © Megan

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