Jazz Divas Festival

Jazz Divas in VentnorThe Isle of Wight Jazz Divas Festival is almost upon us. Of course, you will already have your stroller tickets and able to see the likes of The Bovril Sisters – “a three woman accapella group whose skilful harmonies vividly recapture the spirit of the 30s in an affectionate recreation of the Boswell Sisters’ well-loved songs”. Or you might fancy a bit of The Dutch Jazz Connection at the Ventnor Towers Hotel, who are “running like a train through Europe” … swing on.

There’s loads to see with a stroller ticket, but if that isn’t enough to satisfy your Jazz needs, you can catch Lee Gibson and her trio, or maybe Humphrey Lyttelton (can’t wait for that one), Rachel More Quartet, and the list goes on.

Oh yeah, and don’t forget the Art Marquee, with a coffee bar and lots of interesting things to take in, it should be a good place to hang out.

But then, I’m sure you’ve all got your tickets by now anyway and have seen the full programme.