Jazz In The Park This Sunday

Don’t forget that this Sunday sees the return of Jazz in the Park. This year it’s curated by Geri and Phil from the Isle of Wight International Jazz Festival and all proceeds will be going towards patient care at the Hospice. Tickets are only a fiver for the whole afternoon and you can buy these in advance from the jazz office on Pier Street (tel: 856206 / 856200).

The Gramophone PartyLineup for this year includes veteran local favourites The Unity Stompers, an exciting line up of traditional and swing artists from the mainland and large line up of Island musicians from Gary Plumley’s jazz improvisation workshops. The James Evans Incredible Four will be bringing their own type of New Orleans trad jazz and closing the event will be the superb Gramophone Party.

An all Island band, The Gramophone Party are made up of JC on all manner of instruments (including a really cute hawaiian ukulele), Angelina on (velvety) vocals and acoustic guitar, Paul Armfield on double bass and the spectacular Rupert Brown on drums. It’s worth the fiver just to hear them alone play. Should be a brilliant day.

Apparently there will be food and drinks stalls if you forgot to take your own picnic.

Music kicks off at noon and finishes at 8pm. Ventnor Park, Park Road, Ventnor.

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