Joe Duckworth Makes It Into The Eye, Again!

Forum member, The Bishop put a post up this afternoon on the forum that really made me laugh, and has kindly agreed that I can post it here to share with those of you who might not know about the discussion forum.

The Bishop
Posted: 05 Apr 2007 12:13 pm Post subject: Joe Bloggs and Private Eye

I see our Chief Executive has become more regular in his blogging lately, and note with interest his reference to Private Eye in his latest entry.

At the announcement of the latest report on Local Government, I noticed several Chief Executives of other authorities looking sideways at me with envy. At first I thought it was because my Leader was sat next to me. But no, I noticed every one of these jealous CX’s had the latest copy of Private Eye! There is a curious phenomena amongst this strange breed that if you haven’t made it into the Eye, you don’t cut the mustard. I think I now have the record for the most consecutive appearances in the great organ of any CX!

What is this? Is he now trying to get double entries into Private Eye, not only for ‘Rotten Boroughs’ but also for ‘Order of the Brown Nose’?

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