Joe Robertson MP photographed at the APPG for Hospitality and Tourism

Joe Robertson joins parliamentary group focusing on Hospitality and Tourism

East Wight Conservative MP Joe Robertson has joined with cross-party MPs to press the Government to do more to support the UK’s tourism sector.

Joe has become a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Hospitality and Tourism which met last week to elect its Chair and discuss its future business.

What is an APPG?
APPGs are formalised groupings of MPs and Lords arranged around topics of interest that lobby Government and promote particular causes.

The administration of the groups (known as the secretariat) is often provided by outside organisations such as businesses or charities. UK Hospitality provides the secretariat to the APPG for Hospitality and Tourism.

High taxation
At the APPG’s first meeting Joe raised the issue of high taxation in the sector. Joe says it is affecting jobs and growth, and holidays abroad can be cheaper than in the UK.

The MPs also agreed to look at how the Government can tackle problems associated with Air BNB’s and the burden of regulation on small business.

Promoting business and jobs
Joe put promoting business and jobs at the forefront of his election campaign in June and July. Over the summer he has visited a number of local businesses, including introducing Shadow Home Secretary James Cleverley to local businesses in Ryde and Brading.

Joe said,

“I put business and jobs at the heart of my election campaign, and I am now working with Labour, Liberal and Conservative MPs to make sure the interests of hospitality and tourism – the biggest sector in the East Wight economy – are heard by Government.

“Part of this is getting the Government to understand the huge challenges presented by ferry crossings. I met the MP for the Isle of Arun in Scotland where ferries are proving a problem for tourism to see how we might work together.”

Strevens: Joe understands the importance of tourism to the local economy
Lucy Strevens of Ocean Blue Coastal Retreats in Bonchurch added,

“As someone who is local to the East Wight, Joe understands the importance of tourism to the local economy, and it is great to see his support to encourage regeneration and growth locally.”

News shared from the office of Joe Robertson. Ed