RCN nurses at rally

Join fair pay picket on the Isle of Wight to support nursing staff

The Royal College of Nurses branch for Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust (MPFT NHS Trust) will be holding a picket line is support of fair pay for nursing staff on the 18th and 19th January on the Isle of Wight.

The picket line will be on Medina Way outside St Mary’s Hospital from 7am to 6pm both days.

Show your support
The official picket will be made up of Nurses from MPFT Trust who deliver drug and alcohol support on the Isle of Wight, however they would love to be joined by anyone wishing to show their support.

Picket supervisor, Harry Eccles, told News OnTheWight that they will also be joined by striking nurses from Solent NHS Trust who also work on the Island (although it is not a Solent NHS Trust picket).

IW nurses unable to strike
As reported by News OnTheWight, RCN members at Isle of Wight NHS Trust were just shy of the legal threshold in the ballot, so although IW NHS Trust nurses cannot strike, any who are not working on those days would be most welcome, says Harry,

“As this is a fight for safe staffing nationwide, including on the Isle of Wight.”

Image: Socialist Appeal under CC BY 2.0