Postboxes around the Island

Letter: Are your local postboxes in better condition than these?

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below. This from Philippe Wines. Ed

I had always hoped the Britain would pick up some good habits from our near continental neighbours whilst we were members of the European Community.

It proved to be a forlorn hope, so far as dealing with litter and scruffy street furniture is concerned.

‘The Dirtiest Nation’?
Now that we are Brexiting, we seem destined to maintain our reputation as ‘The Dirtiest Nation’ in the western world, despite our economy being the fifth biggest in the world.

In France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Spain it is highly unusual to see scruffy litter strewn streets thanks to regular and thorough street cleaning and the care taken of street furniture.

Sheer neglect by Royal Mail
It seems that it is not just the Isle of Wight Council (through Island Roads) who are blind to litter and shabby street signage, but the Royal Mail too.

The Royal Mail must take the prize for sheer neglect of its street equipment here on the Island.

These pictures above are all within a half mile of our house. Even Royal Mail’s own boxes where the postmen and women store their loads are rusting away.

OnTheWight contacted Royal Mail about the postboxes.

Royal Mail spokesperson, Val Bodden, said:

“Royal Mail’s postboxes are a great British icon, as well as a key element of Royal Mail’s business of connecting consumers, communities and companies.

“There are over 115,300 postboxes across the country, we are very proud of them and we put a great deal of effort into maintaining and painting them.

“We repaint and refurbish them on a regular basis and we also respond directly to reports by our staff and customers about individual boxes that require urgent attention.”