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Letter: National tactical voting site updates recommendation for East Wight constituency

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from David Moorse, Shanklin. Ed

Parallel to a dawning realisation of the possibility of replacing one Conservative MP on the Island, with TWO! … 

There has been a similar recognition across a broad spectrum of different political colours, that the priorities and principles that we hold dear are greater than those relatively minor differences.

The “Let’s be CLEVER, VOTE TOGETHER” tag line of East Wight Primary, has really hit home, and loads of people have realised that combining their votes will give us a better overall deal, instead of just cancelling each other out as has been true in the past, and letting the same sorry old party back in again!

Who to unite behind
Until recently, the problem was… to unite behind whom?

The astonishingly consistent trend in exit polls from hustings, combined with the results of the East Wight Primary election, show Vix Lowthion to be the person best placed in the East Wight constituency, to challenge conservatives. 

National tactical site changes advice
This has now been recognised by a major national tactical voting organisation, as being of such significance, that they have changed their recommendation!

A Telegraph opinion piece describes “industrial scale tactical voting” which is exactly what we need here.

A sea-change in politics
If we want to see a sea-change in politics for the better in the East Wight, The Green candidate Vix Lowthion, who may not be everyone’s cup of tea, is DEFINITELY the one to unite behind for the election on 4th July 2024.