two adults shaking hands
Image: ave calvar under CC BY 2.0

Letter: Why the Island desperately needs change – and how we can do it

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Harry, a 30-year-old nurse from Newport. Ed 

It is going to be no shock to any reader that most Island residents are desperate for political change. The Tories have either destroyed or flogged off anything good that we collectively owned. The damage they have done to our schools, our hospitals and our water ways is unforgivable.

So how can we, as an Island, get meaningful change?

I think the answer is simple. If you live in Isle of Wight West – Vote for Labour Richard Quigley, if you are on Isle of Wight East – Vote for Green and Vix Lowthion. These are the progressive local votes for real local change.

The best candidates for the Island
Not only are these, in my view, the best two local candidates, they are also the best shot at getting rid of the Tories from the Island. If we work together, we can make this happen. Imagine waking up the day after the election to a Labour and Green MP, both of whom are locally respected, representing us in Westminster.

We can make it happen – if we work together.

Voter swap
To make this work we can essentially vote swap. I am in IW West so I will vote Labour if you vote Green in the East.

This mutual pact ensures everyone wins (apart from the Tories).

The possibility for change is in our hands. For a better future, let’s make it happen.