yarmouth school wall collapsed

Letter: Yarmouth’s economic slump: A look at the impact of losing a local school

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Steve Cowley, Yarmouth Town Council. Ed

The town of Yarmouth needs regeneration as a result of the toxic mix of Government austerity, the cost of living crisis, and the closure of Yarmouth School.

Sadly, I always expected I would have cause to say that, following the closure of the School, the local economy has declined.

Objection to school closure
Every business in the town signed a petition objecting to the closure of Yarmouth School. The Conservative ruling group ignored their concerns in their scrabble for government money for a school in Freshwater.

The second- home owners come less often and now contribute to the problem. Empty houses support no local businesses.

Bid for the site
The Yarmouth Town Council bid for the old school site is a plan to regenerate the Town, with new community- owned housing for local people, a new hall for the Scouts and Guides, an education and exhibition centre and a centre for traditional boatbuilding with apprentices.

The now derelict and deteriorating school site is a very obvious indication that the IWC needs to make a positive move to enable the Community to move forward in helping itself towards regeneration.