Life-Enhancing Equipment Donated by Hospital Friends

All praise to Friends of St Mary’s for their excellent work. George gives us an update on the latest donation. In his own words. Ed

Thanks to a cash donation by the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital, Laidlaw Day Hospital now has advanced rehabilitation equipment for moving and mobilising people who are incapacitated by a medical condition.

The £5,268 battery-powered Sara Plus standing and raising aid assists attendants to efficiently and safely raise patients to a standing position and move them about.

Will be regularly used
Senior physiotherapy assistant Annette Cocker said, “We are very grateful to the Friends for this most useful equipment. This is a way to get frail people safely to their feet without straining their backs, and to move them from one object to another. The idea is that the support gives them confidence to eventually perform the task unaided.

“It could well be used several times a week, with many of the beneficiaries recovering from a stroke, having multiple sclerosis or spinal injuries.

“The whole aim is to enhance their lives.”