Lifeboat Dashes Through Rough Seas to Dismasted Yacht

Cowes lifeboat raced to the aid of a large gaff-rigged yacht Saturday morning, after reports that it had suffered a dismasting in strong winds in the Solent.

Lifeboat Dashes Through Rough Seas to Dismasted YachtThe 30 foot Pegasus, crewed by a couple and their teenage son, lost its wooden mast in challenging wind-against-tide conditions off Thorness Bay.

Although the vessel was without its radio because of the dismasting another yacht in the vicinity, Nightingale, was able to relay messages back and forth to Solent coastguards.

When the Cowes Atlantic 85 lifeboat, Tabby Cat, helmed by Matt Chessell, came alongside two lifeboat members – Kevin Richardson and Patrick Moreton – set to work with the laborious and time-consuming task of retrieving from the water the mainsail, mast and rigging.

It was well over half an hour before everything was back on board.

Assisted by a tow rope to the lifeboat, Pegasus then used its own engine to make for calmer waters at the entrance of Southampton Water.

From there the yacht continued under just its own power to a boatyard at Bursledon.

At the time of the dismasting the Solent was being swept by a Force 6 South- Westerly, gusting to Force 8.