Making A Racquet At The Winter Gardens

No we’re not talking about the next rock concert, although there is one coming our way this Saturday night (details of The ELO Experience to follow later today).

Making A Raquet At The Winter GardensThanks to forum member, Teycusa, we have just been enlightened about a secret society who meet every Wednesday night at the Winter Gardens – I say secret, because I certainly didn’t know about it and judging by their current numbers, perhaps many others didn’t either.

According to Teycusa, a small band of friendly folk gather to knock six bells out of a shuttlecock! A call has been put out to entice new members, as the group appears to be shrinking in size. Last night they only had six souls turn up.

I’m not sure what the standard of the current players is, but this video below might motivate you to get involved. It’s bonkers.

It’s many a year since I last played badminton, but from memory, it’s a great way to release the stress of daily life, get some exercise and make new friends (although the last bit is not necessarily compulsory).

The badminton group have the hall from 7.30pm for two and a half hours, two courts and apparently, there are lots of doubles games.

It’ll only cost you £3 a week. If you fancy trying it out, then just turn up at the Ventnor Winter Gardens on a Wednesday night.

Btw, if you have details of a group that meets regularly or an upcoming event that you want people to know about, get in touch via email at ventnorblog(at)gmail(dot)com and we’ll see what we can do. [image courtesy of Bendigo 2004]