Man Offering Lift To Boy Update

Following the report released by the Police at the beginning of the week this update has arrived, in their own words. Ed

NotepadPolice have identified and traced a motorist after concerns were raised about his behaviour towards a child on the Isle of Wight.

Officers investigated a report of a man who approached an 11-year-old boy near St. Lawrence on the outskirts of Ventnor last Wednesday (9 November 2011).

A motorist driving a black four-by-four style vehicle pulled up alongside the boy.

The man driving offered to give the boy a lift. The 11-year-old declined and walked away. He was not threatened or physically injured.

Spoken with motorist
Sergeant Martin Ward of Hampshire Constabulary’s Isle of Wight Public Protection Department said: “Police have identified and spoken with the motorist and we’re satisfied that no crimes were committed or intended. The report is no longer being treated as suspicious and no further enquiries are needed.

Although there was an innocent explanation on this occasion, we would still always encourage people to report information to the authorities if they’re worried about the welfare of a child.”

Image: levinardo under CC BY 2.0