Man on Wire: Ventnor Film Society

Ventnor Film Society presents Man on Wire at the Ventnor Winter Gardens.

Man on Wire: Ventnor Film SocietyOn August 7th 1974, Frenchman Philippe Petit stepped out on a wire suspended between New York’s twin towers, then the world’s tallest buildings.

After an hour dancing on the wire, with no safety net or harness, he was arrested and held by New York Police.

This is the dramatic retelling of Philippe’s daring and illegal adventure, the artistic crime of the 20th Century.

The reconstruction owes something to nerve-jangling heist movies like Rififi, presenting rare and fascinating footage of the actual event alongside flawless reenactments and modern-day interviews with the participants.

Bits and Bobs:
Tuesday March 24th 2009 7.30pm Man on Wire
Dir: James Marsh UK 2008 118 mins Cert 12A
Cast: Philippe Petit
Single Ticket: £4.50 (£3.50 Concessionary)
Concessionary tickets are available to students, senior citizens and the unwaged.

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