Marc Morgan Huws Leaves Go South Coast

Readers will remember that we reported back in March that bus company Southern Vectis had undergone some major staff changes.

Marc Morgan Huws:A spokesman for Go South Coast has confirmed to VB that Marc Morgan Huws has now left the business.

The former head of Southern Vectis, had been moved from the company to work at another division of the Go-Ahead Group on the mainland.

At the time, Marc told VB that he’d be tied up for a while at a mainland coach operation.

Marc, who was a former Leader of the Isle of Wight council, now appears to be working for a Transport Consultancy.

One voluntary redundancy
Following the news of possible voluntary redundancies in March, the Group also confirmed today that one person has accepted voluntary redundancy.

In addition, they say that Gavin Hunter, who transferred to the Island from Metro Bus to take charge of operations earlier in the year, will not remain in the post permanently.

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Bus Driver
26, April 2012 12:59 pm

Oh dear, what a shame, how sad.

26, April 2012 2:35 pm

If our current leader of the Isle of Wight Council ever finds himself out of a job, he can always join Marc Morgan Huws working for Transport Consultancy.

This could be the start of a new trend for all ex-Council Leaders.

Reply to  Braveheart
26, April 2012 2:49 pm

Before seeking consultancy work perhaps some hands-on experience meeting the public could be beneficial.

Peter E
26, April 2012 2:40 pm

Some juicy gossip is doing the rounds. It seems there is quite a lot of personal tittle tattle about all this. Who knows how much is true. Even the boring old CP is dancing around it.

Reply to  Peter E
26, April 2012 6:24 pm

umm….Nothing to do with scrapped cars turning up for sale, then?? Wondered when this was going to turn up, hushed it all up in February when he was whisked over the north island. More details are bound to leak out soon!

Sailor Sam
Reply to  Will.I.Never
26, April 2012 6:33 pm

Funny enough that facility has been removed from the SV web site. If you think about it, is the value of a car with an MOT the same as a year’s bus travel. Oh, wait a minute…

Sailor Sam
Reply to  Sailor Sam
30, May 2012 4:12 pm

Interesting item on the CP website about this.

Ryde Queen
27, April 2012 12:41 pm

Some of us remember the rumours that circulated when he stopped being Council Leader.

28, April 2012 7:46 am

Let’s not concern ourselves with yesterday’s numpty.Look at who is doing what now,and do something about it!
The “new” surfacing on Island roads,for example-why is the spreading of tar and stone so thinly on old road surfaces so costly? They don’t have crappy roads like ours in Wales! Every surface there is planed up and re-laid properly!
We just get a tarting up of the old!

Sailor Sam
Reply to  Peter
28, April 2012 11:29 am

I have I missed something here… what relevance is that to Southern Vectis?

Bill Lucas
Reply to  Sailor Sam
28, April 2012 12:43 pm

Yes , What has Wales got to do with MMH leaving the Island. More to the point who cares, Southern Vectis still operate.

Sailor Sam
Reply to  Bill Lucas
28, April 2012 1:36 pm

Not sure he has actually left the Island Bill, but as you say, who cares… and yes SV will still operate and will be the better for it.

Bus Spotter
28, April 2012 4:17 pm

M Morgan Hughes is a clever and talented man. Southern Vectis and Go South Coast will be the poorer for his departure. No doubt he made enemies on the way up.

I’d wager we haven’t seen the last of him.

Bus Driver
Reply to  Bus Spotter
28, April 2012 5:17 pm

Your having a laugh aren’t you Bus Spotter? If he was that ‘clever and talented’ he wouldn’t have been caught out. He had very little respect for his staff even the loyal and dedicated ones. He milked the IOW council for for all it was worth by creating a new network which would mean generating additional concessionary fares and lets not forget his track record as a… Read more »

Bus Spotter
29, April 2012 12:02 pm

Excuse me, what exactly would you expect the Manager of a bus company to do if not maximise revenue? His various schemes to increase bus use worked and are being copied nationwide. He’s a bus visionary. A great logistics planner too and an excellent businessman. The council should pay him to consult on the new waste contract. I should think he would do a far better job… Read more »

Bus Driver
Reply to  Bus Spotter
29, April 2012 12:43 pm

You are obviously deluded and never worked under him. Yes, his role was maximise revenue and I would agree that he did achieve that, but I think Go-Ahead would prefer that it was done more ethically. Remember his quote in the County Press? “We operate a service for the public, but we are not a public service”. Does that strike you as someone interested in his customers?… Read more »

Bus Spotter
29, April 2012 8:36 pm

Sounds to me that you have quite an axe to grind. I understand his quote to mean they don’t operate for free, their services have to make money, either through fares or subsidy. As for his personal life, what has that got to do with running a bus company? Manager’s are rarely liked by their staff. Even more so in a company as unionised as Southern Vectis… Read more »

Bus Driver
Reply to  Bus Spotter
29, April 2012 9:45 pm

Don’t think I have mentioned anything about his personal life. As for ‘managers are rarely like by their staff’, well it’s in those situations that staff moral is affected so I would diss-agree with you there. In my long experience of working in the bus industry, I think it is an important consideration of the management that they engage with their staff in a positive way and… Read more »

Bill Lucas
Reply to  Bus Driver
29, April 2012 10:25 pm

Oh Dear, Spotter and Driver, what are you getting at.

Bus Spotter
29, April 2012 10:48 pm

Your references to the Ryde Queen post are not aimed at exposing elements of his personal life then? I think you have made it perfectly clear now that he was your boss and that you disliked him.

Bus Driver
Reply to  Bus Spotter
29, April 2012 11:52 pm

What planet are you on? How does my reference to Ryde Queen’s post suggest that I am ‘exposing elements of his personal life’? Are you in fact suggesting the reason he stopped being council leader was a personal one? If you are, then I am unaware of that so you obviously know more than I do. I also wasn’t aware that he was ‘council leader’.

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