students at the RYS careers fair

Maritime career opportunities showcased at Cowes’ Royal Yacht Squadron event

The Royal Yacht Squadron Isle of Wight Foundation is pleased to announce that we will be hosting our Fourth Careers Fair on 26th September at the Castle, Cowes.

The mission of the Foundation is to eliminate barriers for Island students and young adults who wish to pursue a maritime based career. To that end we will open the doors of the Squadron to students, young people, teachers, businesses and anyone with an interest in helping young people on the Island to achieve their career goals.

Diverse maritime-based careers
We will be showcasing the amazing diversity that comes under the heading ‘maritime based career’ and we have invited a broad range of more than 40 maritime companies, training providers and charities, from all over the Island and the mainland, to exhibit their offers. 

In addition, a team of young people recently funded by the Foundation will be on hand to describe their journeys and how the Foundation has helped them.

Making informed choices
Our aim for the day is to help students and their parents, guardians, mentors and teachers to examine the broad range of available maritime careers and to give them as much information as they may need to make informed choices. 

Throughout the day exhibitors will be on hand to discuss qualification requirements, different career pathways and they will be keen to help young people to engage with the broadest possible range of options. In addition there will be a variety of vessels in the RYS Haven to explore first hand.

All welcome
All the schools and colleges on the Island, sailing clubs, sea scouts, youth charities and other groups have been invited. In addition to those invited we will welcome any young people from the Island who may be interested in exploring maritime opportunities – just turn up on the day and register at the gate of the Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes.

We are expecting a busy, interesting and fun day for all.

News shared by Didi on behalf of Royal Yacht Squadron Isle of Wight Foundation. Ed