Maxx Traxx and Pilots Win Bestival DJ/Band Comp

We hear that around 150 people made their way to St George’s Football Club last night for the 2010 Bestival band competition. Good to hear DJ Maxx Traxx made it through. Interestingly a few years ago, one DJ who played from his laptop didn’t take the winning slot, because the judges thought that he looked as though he was checking his email rather than playing music. How times have changed. Ed

Maxx Traxx and Pilots Win Bestival DJ/Band CompBig congratulations to Quality Control DJ Maxx Traxx who blew the crowd away with an eclectic choice of tunes which included Derek Sandy – ‘Welcome to The IOW’ as his set starter!

Sam Franklin had the daunting task of kicking off the evening with a set which was described ‘As Smooth As Clotted Cream’.

If you closed your eyes during Sam Franklin’s set you’d have easily thought you were partying on the White Isle that is Ibiza!

While we’re on the subject, Sam Franklin is Headlining at Zoology tonight at Temptation, a night of Balearic Dance … so get yourselves along to that and party Ibiza Stylee!

The Pilots
On the band front, The Pilots walked away with the first prize of opening the festival in September.

Through the wonder of the Internet, you can enjoy MaxxTraxx’s set from last night in the comfort of your own home.

Bestival final mix by DJMaxxTraxx

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