MEND Programme: Success For Island Families

MEND Programme: Success For Island FamiliesCongratulations to the team behind the first Island based MEND programme (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition “¦..Do it!), which according to a release from the PCT today, has been judged a success.

The idea of the programme is to help overweight kids manage their weight and educate them on achieving healthier lifestyles.

We understand that the target age group is 7 to 13 year olds and their families and the national programme takes place in over 250 locations across the UK.

The first 10 week programme on the Wight went down so well that another has been organised to take place in Ryde from the end of January.

If you have young people in your family that you think could do well out of the 10 week course, then get in touch with Programme Manager Rachel Squires on 01983 814282 or visit the Web site

It’s free of charge and supported by Sainsbury’s.

What happens on the course
Families take part in fun 2-hour sessions, twice a week for 10 weeks. The Programme helps them improve their eating and exercise habits, thereby improving children’s fitness, physical activity levels, nutrition and self-esteem.

Thanks to funding from Sainsbury’s 12 places on the course worth up to £400 per child were offered to families completely free of charge on a first come first served basis.

Rachel Squires, MEND Programme Manager in the Public Health Department at Isle of Wight PCT says:

“The pilot MEND programme has made a real difference to families on the island. Initial results indicate that children had a lower body mass index (BMI); are spending less time doing sedentary activities like watching television and have become more physically fit. Parents have told us that they are having fewer difficulties with issues surrounding weight. Furthermore, children indicated a more positive view of their weight concerns in most cases compared to the start of the programme.”

Throughout the MEND programme children are taught several MEND friendly dietary habits such as eating breakfast daily, drinking 6-8 cups of water per day and choosing MEND friendly foods. These themes have impacted on the participants showing a staggering 50% improvement in eating habits at the end of the programme.

Parents were asked to provide feedback and have been very supportive suggesting that they felt thoroughly supported, indicating that there was a great atmosphere, and that they liked the content of the programme building, relationships with the MEND leaders very quickly.

Rachel continued:

“One parent has said ‘It’s great to hear the children not moaning about doing some exercise and actually enjoying it’. We gave participants ‘One Cards’ to use in local leisure facilities and a substantial number made good use of the facilities experiencing the wide range of activities available.”

Parents also indicated that they found it valuable to meet other parents and children that where experiencing similar problems and concerns. Half way through the programme parents were already reporting seeing a difference in their eating habits and making improved choices. Generally participants felt that the programme gave them the tools to improve their lifestyle and achieve their ideal weight.

The MEND Programme is the UK’s largest healthy lifestyle programme for overweight children and their parents. Rather than focusing on weight loss, the Programme uses a practical interactive learning approach to teach children and parents weight management skills. This includes inspiring families to adopt a healthier lifestyle and enjoy preparing and eating healthy foods as well as reading food labels and healthy shopping on a budget. There are also simple but exciting sessions which focus on making exercise fun again – especially for children who are not fans of traditional school sports.