Minghella Short Film Competition for Under 19s

Minghella Short Film Competition for Under 19sIf you’re a budding young filmmaker aged 19 or under, then details of a new short film competition should be of interest to you.

As part of the Minghella Film Festival comes the Short Film Competition For young People.

Your films can be up to 5 minutes long, including titles and credits. They must be your own work and not copied from anyone else or, if you include anyone else’s material, you must have obtained their permission to do so. This includes any music, photographs or written material.

So what’s the brief you ask? Well, your film can be up to five minutes long and should be in response to the theme ‘A great day for the Isle of Wight’, the famous quote from Anthony Minghella’s Oscar acceptance speech.

You’ll need to get in touch with organisers by 1st February to let them know that you want to submit a film and you then have until Friday 26 February to send in your completed project.

Head over to the official Website for more details

Image: chudo.sveta under CC BY-SA 2.0

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