Royal Ocean Yacht Club plans by Moxley Architects

Mixed response to extension plans at Royal Ocean Racing Club

A major extension is planned for a Cowes yacht club. The Royal Ocean Racing Club on Castle Hill is looking to increase its offering at its hub overlooking the Solent.

Plans would see an extension demolished, an increased external terrace and new accommodation added, with new club offices, a bar, toilets and mutli-use spaces.

Existing extension seriously decayed and needs replacing
Planning documents, submitted by Moxley Architects on behalf of the club, say the existing extension is seriously decayed and needs replacing.

The club’s marquees will also be removed to allow space for the clubhouse and terrace extension.

“Discrete and well-designed”
In a heritage statement, Ridgeway Heritage Consultancy says the proposed extensions, which would be discrete and well-designed, would not be highly visible within surrounding parts of the Cowes conservation area.

Some comments have supported the extension in principle but did raise concerns but others, including from Cowes Town Council, have objected to the plans.

The town council has highlighted the application ‘fails numerous’ policies of the Isle of Wight Council’s Island Plan.

CTC: Glass extension was totally out of place
It is not a listed building, but is full of iconic Cowes history and much appreciated for its architecture it said.

However,  the principle of the glass extension was totally out of place, destroying the building’s historic style.

Mixed views of neighbours
Residents of the Gloster Apartments said the development would bring the club’s activities too close to their building, with an ‘unacceptable high-level risk’ of resulting sound, light and overlooking nuisance.

But another Gloster resident, said to be closest to the planned expansion, supports the work and is welcoming the new investment in Cowes.

They said,

“Sailing has been the lifeblood of Cowes economy for over a century and it badly needs projects like this to not only keep it alive but turn it into a truly international venue, attracting sponsorship and revenue.”

View the plans
To view the plans, 21/02579/FUL, you can visit the council’s planning register.

Comments can be submitted until 11th March 2022.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

Image: © Moxley Architects