NCVO Launches Good Governance Competition

Thanks to Nigel for sending through details of this competition from the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). In his own words. Ed

CashNCVO has launched a competition to recognise good governance, with £1,000 on offer to the winning charity.

The Winifred Tumim Memorial Prize, which is in memory of NCVO’s former chair who died in 2009, will assess charities in England on how they have used Good Governance: a Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector to improve their effectiveness and deliver greater public benefit.

In addition to the £1,000 first prize, two runners up will receive delegate passes to NCVO’s 2012 Annual Conference and a copy of the umbrella body’s Good Trustee Guide.

The closing date for entrants is 31 August, who will then be judged by the steering group for the Good Governance code.

Image: Christopher Isherwood under CC BY 2.0

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