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Image: -marlith- under CC BY 2.0

NEU’s Assistant Secretary responds to Ofsted grading system overhaul

This morning (Monday) the Government say they are scrapping single headline Ofsted judgements for schools with immediate effect.

This relates to the ‘overall’ judgement given to a school and from today, parents will see four grades across the existing sub-categories: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

Shreeve: The simplistic league table approach was its failure
Peter Shreeve, Assistant District Secretary of the National Education Union, said,

“The NEU welcomes the removal of the single headline inspection grade.

“Its simplification was intended to provide clarity. But this simplistic league table approach was its failure. It created the means to rapidly scandalize or glorify a school. Thus, schools were perceived as achieving success and reaching the premier league or simply being relegated.

“The idea that you could give a verdict on a whole school without considering education nuances in its entirety was always unhelpful.

“Simply replacing a leader does not guarantee improvement. Especially when a lack of immediate impact and success leads to their replacement by another ‘helicopter head’.”

Shreeve: The first step in the right direction
Mr Shreeve went on to say,

“Scrapping the headline grade is only the first step in the right direction. But there’s more to do. We need to see Ofsted replaced with a different system of accountability. One which fosters a culture of collaboration, cooperation and support between all stakeholders.

“Today it was announced: ‘where schools are identified as struggling, government will prioritise rapidly getting plans in place to improve the education and experience of children’.

“But we all know, so many things need addressing to achieve this success.”