Hands in the air with empty background
Image: Jon Tyson under CC BY 2.0

New form of local democracy proposed by resident discontented with the way the parish council has been run

Newtown resident, Ed Surridge, is hoping to introduce a new form of local democracy to his local parish council on the Isle of Wight.

He’s standing for a seat on Shalfleet Parish Council, which goes to the polls next Thursday (4th July 2024), and says that if he wins the seat, he’ll introduce what he believes to be a first for any local council.

Ed told OnTheWight,

“I am offering to coordinate and fund (with £1,000 of my savings), a Parish Assembly made up of Shalfleet Parish volunteers randomly chosen from from a larger number from within the ward for the next nine months until the upcoming elections on 1st May 2025.”

Decisions guided by residents
His voting record, Ed says, will be guided by the choices decided by the Parish Assembly.

Prior to the Assembly being set up, Ed says that “common sense and public opinion” would be his guide. His approach will be based on Deliberative Democracy principles, emphasising fairness, transparency, and unbiased decision-making.

He adds,

“You might be aware 9% of us trust politicians and according to an IPSOS December 2023 poll, it’s only 2% for those between the ages of 25 and 34.”

Surridge: A valuable opportunity for stability and transparency
Ed’s background in group decision-making and his connection to the area since 1990 informs this initiative, he says.

He finished by saying,

“I believe my offer election offer provides a valuable opportunity for stability and transparency in our parish council until the next local elections in May 2025, and will be better for constituents’ representation.”