20 pound notes :

New funding to help residents living with long-term conditions

This in from the IW NHS in their own words. Ed

The funding is being provided by the Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group as part of the Island’s pioneering My Life, A Full Life programme. This programme seeks to ensure all those involved in providing health and social care work together in a co-ordinated and effective way.

My Life, A Full Life recognises the important role voluntary and community groups have in ensuring residents get the help and support they need and it is these groups and organisations that are being invited to apply for a share of the £40,000 of grant funding that is available.

Seeking bids
Commissioners are seeking bids that offer new ideas for projects that support people “living with” a particular long term conditions and help to build confidence and knowledge, to help people take more control in managing their condition. Bids will be expected to deliver support and education, provide information about local support options and services and produce a patient information pack.

Last year a similar grant funding programme awarded almost £90,000 to 9 local voluntary and community organisations working to support individuals living with different health conditions.

Competitive bidding process
Grants are open to new and existing organisations and small enterprises and will be awarded through a competitive bidding process that encourages innovation and collaboration to increase the range of support available to people with long-term health conditions.

The schemes will need to support My Life, a Full Life’s key aims of encouraging all organisations working with an individual to do so in a seamless way, helping people to support and care for themselves.

Alison Geddes, Commissioning Manager, Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group said:

“Besides the obvious benefits to individual patients, we believe involving local groups and organisations, in planning and delivering local services and activities, promotes stronger and more active communities as well as value for money.”

Find out more
The prospectus is available on Community Action’s website.

All proposals should be discussed with Elaine Garrett on 01983 524058 or by e mail on [email protected] before work commences on any potential bid for this funding and to obtain an application form.

The deadline for completed applications is 10 January 2014.

Image: Images of Money under CC BY 2.0