Thanks to a fundraising concert by the Phoenix Choir and support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund a weekly memory Cafe will be opening at Newport Minster for those living with dementia and their carers.
The first session will be held on Wednesday 26th March from 1.30pm – 3pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, no diagnosis required, please bring carers and family members.
Meet new people
As well as being able to explore the Minster, the cafe will be open for refreshments and Independent Arts will popping up in the Minster hosting creative activities for attendees to take part in.
The ‘chatty table’ will be open, so you can meet new people and have a natter.
Griffiths: We are looking forward to welcoming a new group of people
Hannah Griffiths, Community Engagement Coordinator, said,
“We know so many lives on the Island are affected by dementia. The team at the Minster felt we should be offering a safe space for people living with dementia to come and join our community.
“Thanks to the generous donors at last years Phoenix Choir concert at the Minster, we are also able to offer funded creative sessions for people to express themselves as part of the project.
“We are looking forward to welcoming a new group of people to the Minster as part of this project.”
If you would like to find out more about the Memory Cafe please contact Hannah [email protected] or call/message 07563 247758
News shared by Hannah on behalf of Newport Minster. Ed