New Schools Option Just Announced: Update

News just in is that a new option for schools will be outlined tonight by David Pugh.

Talk in the council chambers in the last half hour is that a new option (detailed below) – two tiers but with less closures, will be announced.

The council are said to have been in talks with the schools minister and have sourced funding to help support the rural schools.

Update: The Official Proposal
That the council adopts a primary/secondary model for future education organisation on the Island with the following age ranges

4-11 primary schools 11-19 secondary schools

That primary schools are established with a mix of 1 & 2 classes per year group

That secondary schools are established with 11-14 (lower) and 14-19 (upper) sections. All schools will be required to sign up delivering a diverse Islandwide academic and vocational agenda through the 14-19 consortium.

That a more equitable funding regime across the phases is established which will

a. release funds to support the most vulnerable pupils throughout their education
b. release funds to support those pupils who may need targeted supported for a short period of time

That following this decision on structure, officers are instructed to bring to the Cabinet meeting in April a paper outlining the next steps, including the preparations for formal consultation in June and July, ahead of the publication of statutory notices in the autumn.

That the representations made by governing bodies and other partners over recent weeks are reviewed by officers, in the context of this decision on structure. The Cabinet meeting in April will formally request officers to undertake detailed work regarding the distribution of schools, giving consideration of the presumption in favour of the retention of rural schools