Eva Palmer by Karen Smith (Eva’s granddaughter) and chapel street aftermath and high street with OTW flash

Newport’s WWII bombing victims remembered in special memorial service

A memorial service taking place for the victims of the Newport bombing taking place this Friday (9th June) to remember the victims of the WWII bombings that struck Chapel Street, Clarence Road and Trafalgar Road on 7th April 1943.

There will be 21 candles lit to remember the victims, in some cases being lit by relatives or someone connected to the victim.

Songs and readings
Barton Choir will be singing and a representative the Fire Service will be reading a poem.

In attendance will be the Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff, IWC Vice Chair, Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council Chair, standards and emergency services.

Where and when
The service starts at 11am at St John’s Church, St John’s Rd, Nodehill and will last around an hour with refreshments afterwards.

Image: Eva Palmer courtesy of Karen Smith (Eva’s granddaughter), Chapel Street aftermath and High Street (bottom right)