Nominate VentnorBlog For Talk Talk Digital Heroes

If you’re a regular user of VB but have been unable to help support us through donations or advertising, then we might have just stumbled across a way you can help.

Nominate VentnorBlog For Talk Talk Digital HeroesTalk Talk are running their Digital Heroes Award Campaign again this year and there are just two days left (entries in by 30th September) to nominate someone who you feel is using digital technology to benefit their local communities.

Heroes goes a little too far, but could that sound like someone you know? :)

Entry is pretty simple, so here’s a quick run down of what VB‘s been up to, to make your nomination as simple as possible.

Five years and counting
Those of you who use VB regularly will know that the free-to-use news source has been running for five years now.

Breaking news
As well as providing the latest Island news, very often breaking stories before the traditional press, VB is a great place to share views and opinions, with over 30,000 readers’ comments left in the last five years.

Community support
During the heavy snow and bad weather back in January, our readers tell us that our coverage of the schools, roads and service closures were second to none.

Embracing the electorate
Those with an interest in local and general politics will appreciate just how successful VB has been in embracing the community on these issues.

Charity support
For five years, we’ve been happy to help promote any charity event on the Island, providing unrivaled support for many organisations across the Island. This we’ve been happy to do free of charge to show our support for those valuable charities.

Are we your digital heroes?
We’d be really chuffed if you, dear reader could spare a couple of minutes to nominate VB as your Digital Hero.

If we get through to the shortlist for this region, we could coming home with £5,000 prize money and 18 months free broadband.

After five years of running the site for the community, this kind of prize could make a massive difference to our lives.

Nominating is quick and easy
Nominating is quick and easy. Simply pop over to the Digital Heroes Website and fill out the form, nominating Sally and Simon Perry for Our company registration number is 06115760 and we fall into the South East regional category.

The best phone number is (01983) 898 777 and address …

Suzes Room
10a Pier Street
Isle of Wight
PO38 1ST


Thanks in advance.

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Julian Winslow

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29, September 2010 8:52 pm

It will be a pleasure to nominate you S&S. Looking at VB throughout the day has become part of my daily routine.

Although I can’t spare much, I hope that little I send makes a small difference.

You provide a truly invaluable service that’s ‘second to none’

29, September 2010 11:30 pm

Done as requested. Good luck VB.

Reply to  BigEars
30, September 2010 2:20 pm

I have added my nomination too. Glad to help as without VentnorBlog, our lives would be so much poorer. Lots of luck!

Simon Perry
12, November 2010 8:40 am

Despite many people getting in touch with us, letting us know that they’d nominated us (and some of the very kind things they’d said about us made us very proud – Thank you!), VB didn’t get short-listed. The three that they selected were Matthew Hellett – nominated by Lisa Wolfe Matthew is spokesperson for the Oksa Bright Film Festival – managed and presented by a learning disabled… Read more »

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