Nursery receives ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted


The latest Ofsted report has been released The Island Day Nursery, based at Mill Court in Newport.

Inspectors found that the early years provision for children at the day nursery is ‘Good’.

They felt,

  • Children demonstrate that they feel comfortable and secure in their surroundings. As a result they develop strong bonds with their key person.
  • Staff provide a warm welcoming environment where children are able to explore and investigate safely. As a result all children are progressing well in all areas of learning.
  • Partnerships with parents are strong. Staff continually share learning and actively involve parents in their children’s learning.
  • Staff value diversity and provide an environment where all children feel included.

The inspector made two recommendations to the nursery of things they can do to achieve ‘Outstanding’ status,

  • Allow children regular opportunities to expand their understanding of the world, for example by growing their own plants in the outside play area.
  • Staff should provide natural and malleable materials for the younger children in order to excite their curiosity and develop their physical skills.

The full report is embedded below for your convenience.

Image: © Island Day Nursery