Child giving thumbs up

On the cusp of excellence: Isle of Wight primary school nears Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ status

Following a recent Ofsted inspection Nine Acres Primary School in Newport continues to be rated as a ‘Good’ school.

Inspectors said there is enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged Outstanding if we were to carry out a graded (section 5) inspection now.

The school’s next inspection will be a graded inspection.

Beth Dyer (Headteacher Nine Acres Primary School), said,

“We are delighted to share our most recent outcome of our Ofsted Inspection which took place in May 2023. As a community we celebrate this recognition and acknowledgement. Nine Acres Primary school received an ungraded inspection in May 2023. Although the grading remained GOOD it was recognised that, should this have been a graded inspection, there was enough strength of evidence that the school could be judged as OUTSTANDING.

“The inspector certainly left no ambiguity in how he judged our school during the visit and this is reflected in his comments. As a result, we will receive a graded inspection and of course we look forward to their return over the next year or so!

“There are so many comments that we can reflect upon however these are the ones which have stood out to us the most and we wanted to highlight these with you:

  • Leaders, staff and governors aim high for pupils in this school.
  • Relationships are supportive, respectful and compassionate.
  • Everybody’s talents are highly nurtured.
  • Learning in this school is ambitious and inclusive.
  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive effective support.
  • The early year’s environment is rich with language and resources to support the learning of phonics.
  • Mathematics teaching is strong.
  • Reading starts well in early years.
  • Art teaching is exceptional.
  • Warm relationships ensure consistency and fairness.
  • Everyone feels valued, supported and proud of their school.
  • Leaders are tireless to pursue essential help for families experiencing trauma or hardship.

“What is most important to us is not just a grade and recognition of exceptional practice but what the content of the report reflects.

“The reflection that the children are at the heart of all we do, all we achieve and are central to our everyday excellence. This inspection outcome is a true testament to the hard work, dedication and talent of the Nine Acres staffing team.

“As Headteacher, I feel truly privileged to work with such exceptional colleagues. The inspector was particularly impressed by our high levels of positive parental feedback both in person and through the Parental Survey.

“We would like to thank our community for their continued support and encouragement. Whilst the inspector did not flag any areas for improvement, we will not stand still, we continue to work on all aspects of our school to ensure that we deliver high quality provision every day for every child in our care. We continue to ‘Strive for Excellence’ as a community together.”

The report
Read the report in full below

Image: donhomer under CC BY 2.0