
OnTheWight report live from tonight’s Cabinet meeting

We’re back at County Hall tonight (from 6.30pm) to bring you live updates from the second Cabinet meeting of the month.

We’ll be tweeting regular updates and snippets from the meeting.

If you’re on Twitter, follow the hashtag #iwcab to stay up to date with proceedings. If you’re not on Twitter you can view the tweets by popping over to our Twitter stream.

Cabinet members will be considering the following items:

  • Budget review
  • Schools’ capital programme
  • Island studio school
  • Possible disposal of Salisbury Gardens, Ventnor
  • Sale of former Avenues Day Centre, Freshwater
  • Possible disposal of land at Stag Lane, Newport
  • Confirmation of terms for the disposal of land at Sunnycrest Nursery, Newchurch
  • and

  • Approval Sought to Join The Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) Managed Services For Temporary Agency Resources (MSTAR) Framework For The Delivery of Temporary Agency Resources Via A Mini Competition Process That Has Been Carried Out Through The Hampshire And Isle of Wight Procurement Partnership, Led by Hampshire County Council.

The papers are embedded below for your convenience.

Budget review

Schools Capital Programme

Island studio school

Salisbury Gardens (Coastal Centre)

Avenues Day Centre, Freshwater

Stag Lane proposal

Sunnycrest Nursery

Image: Zitona under CC BY 2.0