Isle of Wight Opinion Pieces
OnTheWight is run on journalistic principles of honesty, transparency and balance. Every so often, there will be a subject or issue that the editors or contributors wish to share that reflects their personal opinion.
These Isle of Wight opinion pieces will be clearly marked as such. We believe their inclusion adds to the diversity of content available to readers.
·1 min read
Daft Old Duffer returns with his Saturday musings.
·3 min read
Daft Old Duffer is asking you for your input in to a work of fiction he's creating
·2 min read
Daft Old Duffer ponders on possible reasons why police stopped and incorrectly accused an Island driver of unlawful tread depth on his tyres.
·3 min read
Daft Old Duffer returns with his weekend column and has been reflecting on his choice of hair styles over the years.
·3 min read
The smile from a cashier at the supermarket brings back happy memories for Daft Old Duffer.
·1 min read
Daft Old Duffer struggles to understand the female sense of humour.
·2 min read
Daft Old Duffer returns with his weekly column. Unhappy with his tatty wardrobe, he's been shopping for new threads.