Isle of Wight Opinion Pieces
OnTheWight is run on journalistic principles of honesty, transparency and balance. Every so often, there will be a subject or issue that the editors or contributors wish to share that reflects their personal opinion.
These Isle of Wight opinion pieces will be clearly marked as such. We believe their inclusion adds to the diversity of content available to readers.
·1 min read
Daft Old Duffer returns with his weekly column and shares an idea for peaceful protest
·2 min read
Daft Old Duffer shares topical observations about the recent Christmas holidays.
·4 min read
Jonathan returns with his Sunday column and shares his thoughts on Christmas
·2 min read
Daft Old Duffer ponders on possible reasons why police stopped and incorrectly accused an Island driver of unlawful tread depth on his tyres.
·4 min read
On The Wight receive an astonishing response from Alan Wells, chair of Governors at Cowes Enterprise College to our questions over pupil safety.
·3 min read
David Pugh was picked to be a delegate at a conference run by a highly-selective organisation. The conference title? Creative Destruction
·4 min read
This week Jonathan's column has been replaced by a short story. It's a wonderfully touching piece of writing which we're sure will pull at the heart strings of you all.
·4 min read
Daft Old Duffer is back with his weekly column, this week reminiscing some of the 'common sense' approaches he's heard over the years, all to save a few pennies.