Paper Boat Regatta And Curragh Launch

If you’ve been up to Quay Arts recently, you may well have found yourselves sitting in the Learning Curve Gallery making and decorating a paper boat as part of the Rites of Passage exhibition.

Paper Boat Regatta And Curragh LaunchWell, if you did make a boat (or two) and would like to see how well your vessel does on the open waters, make a date in your diary to return to Quay Arts on Saturday 25 August at 11am.

There will be a regatta to launch the Curragh (the handcrafted boat currently under construction in the Michael West Gallery by Kieren Reed) as well as the paper boats that visitors of all ages to the gallery have been invited to create.

If you haven’t been yet, do make a visit, where you’ll find instructions to create paper boats with varying degrees of difficultly; from the basic newspaper-style folded boats reminiscent of many childhoods, to more complex rowing and sailing boats.

On the day of the regatta there will be prizes for the most unsinkable and the most speedy!