Pappa Clip: Entrance Exam For MPs?

A further news clipping found for us by Pappa Clip. This from ‘Parliamentary Perambulations’, apparently. Ed

Pappa Clip: Entrance Exam For MPs?There was all-party uproar in the Commons today over the publication of a Select Committee’s findings concerning MP’s qualifications.

The report suggests that it is absurd that, with all other professions and trades requiring some form of qualification, the basic skills of prospective Members of Parliament are taken for granted.

“Clearly this is an assumption not always justified.” it points out.

Taste of their own medicine
The report suggests an entry level examination to be sat by all prospective members of Parliament.

There would be a numeracy and literacy test set at eleven-year old level plus a few general knowledge questions such as:

Is India
a) in the Mediterranean or
b) not

And ‘explain Wales.’

The object of this section would be less to test the extent of the member’s knowledge, more whether he or she will attempt to answer the question rather than meandering off onto some totally irrelevant topic.

Produce and essay to prove your knowledge
Most important however will be the requirement to submit an essay of approximately 3,000 words on any subject of choice.

Foreign affairs, the Criminal Justice System, Social Services etc. during which the examinee must not a) parrot the party line or b) repeat him or herself more than three times.

This, it is considered, will prove by far the most difficult section. Original thought will not therefore be required.

“It’s all quite preposterous,” snorted William Fanshaw-Prod. “I’ve been sitting in the House for nigh on twenty years and I’ve not seen the need yet for any original thinking.”

“As for sums – I believe that’s what numeracy means – adding up and that?” interposed Jack (Bull Terrier) Blog “all can say is I’ve never felt the need in all my thirty years of loyal service, both to the Trade Union Movement and my constituents. It ain’t arithmetic that matters, it’s keeping an eye on those Tory bustards.”

Image: David Silverline under CC BY 2.0