Parting Words: One Teenager’s View On Closing School

Following the closure of Nodehill Middle School last week, former pupil, thirteen year old Christopher Pickett shares his thoughts. In his own words. Ed

Stone laid at Nodehill by Headteacher, David NorrisOn behalf of the students and teachers of Nodehill Middle School, we all agree that July 21st 2011 will be a date to remember.

Many year 8’s (including myself) 7’s, 6’s and teachers were in tears about the leaving and closure of this spectacular middle school.

In our end of term video, many of the teachers were asked to say their best and worst moments that had happened during their time there.

Mixed emotions
All the teachers did have some very good (and quite funny) quotes for the best and worst times at the school, but the one that really stood out was the one from the headmaster himself.

Mr David Morris remarked, “the worst memory I have ever had at this school was when the council decided they were closing Nodehill.” I and many others (parents included) strongly agree with him on this particular subject.

Moving on ….
All of the teachers shall be reluctantly moving on, some retiring, and some going on to other schools.

Unfortunately there will be an unexpected leap of faith to big school for the year 6’s and 7’s, who should have had more notice, so this is very hard for them.

The year 8’s are extremely lucky to be able to go through primary, middle, and high school (right now I am counting my blessings!), but it is going to be difficult. I feel mostly for the high schools, who are going to be taking on 3 times the number of children they usually do, so if it wasn’t crowded already, it’s going to be crowded now!

Unessential action by the council
Personally, I have had a wonderful time at Nodehill, with all its great facilities, helpful students and kind teachers it has made it a very memorable chapter in the diary of my life, and I am sad to see it go to waste (I do know that Nodehill will be turned into a 6th form college, which I hope to go to, but that’s beside the point.)

In conclusion, I would say that this is a very unessential (and avoidable) movement for the students and teachers of the schools and really, as everything was going smoothly, not really needed to be thought of.

Christopher Pickett (aged 13 1/2)
Previous Student of Nodehill Middle