Phil Baldock, Michelin: Royal Revival Chat (podcast)

Last weekend, we were lucky enough to be take part in the Royal Revival, a weekend of vintage fun at the Royal Hotel, celebrating 100 years of the Michelin Guide.

Phil BaldockDuring the glorious sunshine on Sunday morning we caught up with Phil Baldock, Head of Communications for Michelin in the UK.

Phil had given a fascinating speech during the Edwardian Gala at the Royal the night before, sharing interesting facts about the history of the company and the Guides, which have become like a bible to many.

The Royal Hotel is one of 30 establishments that appeared not only in the first Guide 100 years ago, but also the latest.

Ventnor, “It’s like heaven”
Phil told us that he had visited Ventnor once before, about 15 years ago, his memory of it being ‘a nice place’. Since his return, Phil was quick to correct his memory, now saying that “it’s like heaven.”

Everyone that he’d met had “been superb”, and Phil went on to say that the Island still retained “a genteel way of life, so sadly missed on the mainland.”

It wasn’t just the Ventnor and the Island that Phil was impressed with, he had some great things to say about the Royal Hotel who were hosting the centenary celebrations.

“Enduring quality, fantastic standards”
He went on to praise the hospitality, saying that the Royal Hotel being in both the 1911 and 2011 Guides was a “fantastic achievement and real tribute to the people who worked here past and present, for the quality and standard of service and food. An amazing tribute.”

Anyone who has stayed or dined at the Royal will concur with his parting words, that they Royal maintained, “enduring quality, fantastic standards.”

Listen to the podcast in full by clicking on the play button below. Audio Player

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Julian Winslow